Blogs » How to Become a Preferred Seller on Shopee Philippines?

How to Become a Preferred Seller on Shopee Philippines?


How to become a preferred seller on Shopee Philippines

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According to a 2018 report, Shopee Philippines has over 300,000 active sellers. It’s a bustling community but it also represents fierce competition in the e-commerce world. So, if you sell on Shopee, standing out from the crowd is crucial to survive and thrive. For individual sellers having a Shopee Preferred Seller badge can give you a huge advantage.

On the Shopee marketplace, the Preferred Seller badge is a form of trust signal. It tells your shoppers that your store is a reliable place to make their purchases. What’s more, Shopee offers exclusive benefits if you are in this program.

Now, you might wonder, how an individual seller attains this badge of honor. What are the Shopee Preferred Seller requirements that a merchant should meet? Don’t worry, in this guide, we will tackle everything you need to know to become a Shopee Preferred Seller in the Philippines.

Who are Shopee Preferred Sellers?

Shopee Preferred Seller profile

Shopee Preferred Sellers are the select group of sellers handpicked by Shopee based on their outstanding performance. These sellers meet and exceed specific criteria set by Shopee.

When you become a Preferred Seller, your shop and product listings will be identified with a “Preferred” badge. For shoppers, this badge is a sign of assurance. It signals that your products and services are reliable and of high standard.

Apart from the trust signal, the Preferred Sellers program also offers unique advantages, including exclusive access to Shop Ads and enhanced visibility for your listings.

What are the Requirements for the Shopee Preferred Seller badge?

5 requirements to become Shopee Preferred Sellers

If you want to obtain the coveted Preferred Seller badge, you need to consistently demonstrate strong performance across several key metrics assigned by Shopee. These metrics focus on four main areas: Sales, Customer Service, Order Fulfillment, Shop Rating, and Policy Compliance. Let’s break down each area and the specific requirements:

1. Strong Sales Record

Shopee Preferred Program prioritizes shops with consistent customer interest. To qualify for the badge, you’ll need at least 30 unique buyers and 50 net orders within the past 30 days. This demonstrates a strong sales record and attracts customers looking for reliable sellers.

2. Excellent Response Rate

Shopee expects you to respond promptly to customer inquiries through chat. They track your chat response rate over a period of time. You’ll be eligible for the Shopee Preferred Seller badge if you meet the 75% threshold.

3. Fast and Reliable Fulfillment

Shopee Philippines monitors your non-fulfillment rate and late shipment rate every week. For Shopee, these metrics indicate how efficiently you process and ship orders. Ideally, you should keep these rates below or equal to 9.99% to qualify for Preferred Seller status.

4. Consistent High Shop Rating

Shopee also considers your overall shop rating, which is an average of customer reviews. Typically, you’ll need a rating of at least 4.5 to be considered for Preferred Seller. This reflects buyer satisfaction with your products and service.

5. Clean Penalty Record

If you want to obtain the Shopee Preferred Seller badge, you need to follow the Shopee guidelines and policies. You’ll need to avoid any penalties and maintain a clean record. Even a single offense can disqualify you from the program.

If you manage to meet all the Preferred Seller requirements above, you’ll receive an invitation to join the Preferred Seller program. According to Shopee, you’ll receive this invite on Thursdays. Simply verify your identification to accept this invitation and become a Shopee Preferred Seller!

How to Maintain Your Preferred Seller Badge?

So, you have the Shopee Preferred Seller Badge now. Congratulations! However, maintaining this status requires an ongoing commitment to high-quality standards.

Keep in mind that Shopee will continue to evaluate you every week. If your shop’s performance falls below the standard, you’ll lose your “Preferred Seller” status.

Here are the benchmarks you should meet to Maintain Your Preferred Seller Badge:

Areas of Performance


Unique Buyers (Last 30 days)

At least 29 buyers

Net Orders (Last 30 days)

At least 49 orders

Chat Response Rate

Within  70% of the time

Shop Rating (All-time)

At least 4 out of 5

Non-fulfillment Rate (Last 7 days)

Less than 9.99%

Late Shipment Rate (Last 7 days)

Less than 9.99%

Penalty Points

No more than 3 points

Pre-order Listings

No more than 10% of total active listings

Number of Days of Pre-order Listing Violation

No violation for 6 days

Last 7 days Counterfeit Listings

No more than 5 counterfeit listings

Closely monitor your shop’s performance on the Preferred Seller page to ensure you meet all the requirements. You’ll receive warnings and notifications if your performance is below the benchmark.

You need to take action within 7 days. Untagging happens every Monday, so be sure to stay consistent.

Make Your Store Stand Out on Shopee

Earning a Shopee Preferred Seller badge is a great achievement, but maintaining it requires an ongoing commitment to exceptional service. As your customer base grows, keeping up can become a demanding task.

Don’t let managing your success slow you down. Be Global E-commerce offers end-to-end solutions tailored to e-commerce businesses like yours. From product listing to warehousing and fulfillment, our team of experts will guide you on your journey to success.

Contact us today to unlock and let’s unlock the full potential of your Shopee business!

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